Apr 27, 2011

The New Google Analytics Available to Everyone


The New Google Analytics Available to Everyone

Hey Google has recently launched the newer version of the Google Analytic to track the site or blog traffic.

I am very happy after seeing the newer version of Google Analytics and Google has announced that it is in beta stage and available to every user in all the languages.

New look of the Dashboard

How to check newer version of the Google Analytics

Sign in to your Google Analytic and see the link at top right of your account

Check below screen shot for more details.

New version of Google Analytic has some enhancements as below.
  • A redesigned Google Analytics platform to enable major new functionality
  • A streamlined interface to make it easier to get to the information you want
  • Improved report performance for faster reports
Currently, we are showcasing the following features in the new version of Analytics:
  • A completely redesigned, faster interface.
  • Multiple dashboards—build a custom dashboard for each department.
  • Event Goals! Track your PDF downloads as goals with events, or configure 2 minutes play time on a video as a goal.
  • More powerful custom reports—you can pre-filter reports and build additional data views.
  • New Term Cloud visualization.

Some features will be introduce in Google Analytic very soon as below

  • Exporting reports to PDF
  • Emailing reports
  • Migrating a custom report from the current Analytics version to the new version
  • Linking a new AdWords or AdSense account
  • In-Page Analytics
For more details please go to here

Some screen shot from new analytic

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Apr 24, 2011

List of All Built-In / System SQL Server Stored Procedures


Hey today I was searching for some system procedures to get system data and I found that on MSDN there is a list of all the native/system procedures with explanation.

It took some time for me to get the exact stored procedure what I was searching for so I thought it will help others as well so I am giving you a link of that MSDN page...

but remember that some times on MSDN link will change (Broken link). So might be when you read this it's broken if it is so just let me know my providing comment at the bottom of the post.


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Apr 14, 2011

Disable Back Button in Browser using JavaScript


 While we are developing any web application then some times it's necessary to disable the back button effect from the browser. This is common in banking websites and other sites where security is major concern. User may hit the back button from the browser and forget to log out from the site.

There fore it's required to disable browser's back button.

So here is the code which will prevent user to go back on previous page.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title>New event</title>
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
function noBack() { window.history.forward(); }
<BODY onload="noBack();"
onpageshow="if (event.persisted) noBack();" onunload="">
<a href='page2.html' >Page 2</a>

Code for Page 1.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
<head runat="server">
<title>New event</title>

Page 2

Code for page 2.

Here I have given 2 pages page 1 and page 2. From page 1 I am going to page 2 using page 2 link. Now if I will click on page 2's browser back button it will go to page 1 but from page 1 it will again forward to page 2 so user can't go to the page 1 using back button.

Note : Above code is tested in IE 9.0 and Firefox 3.6.8

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Apr 8, 2011

Concatenation in SQL, Using For XML PATH(), Concatenate more than one rows in one field


Some times it is required to concatenate more no of rows into one single filed separated by commas. There are some options for that like we can write our own UDF for that, in sql server built in COALESCE function is there with this function we can achieve it. But some time need is different or we want to achieve it in different way then there is another option that I am going to explain using FOR XML PATH().

Let me first show me my table design

and also show me the data which I have inserted for this testing purpose

Have you tried to access data in xml format from sql table, not yet ? Then try below query and see the result.
SELECT Employee_Name FROM Emp_Tech FOR XML path('')

When you run above query then you can see result like <Employee Name>Tarun</Employee Name>.... conti... and when you click on the resulted row then it will open .xml file in query window. But here we are understanding how to merge that all the rows into single row with comma separated so let me write a query for that.
Employee_tech,employee_name =
substring( (SELECT
',' + Employee_Name
Emp_Tech et2
et2.Employee_Tech = et1.Employee_Tech

Emp_Tech et1
And this is the out put for that query

Out put

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Apr 6, 2011

List all the table in given database


Think that you have a database more than 1-2 hundred database tables and you want to get list of all the tables in particular database. I was working on a project with more than 356 table and required to get the list of all the table with column names, column types and length of data type so first I searched for list of table finding query and it give me different different result.

Then I thought let me write a quick post about all the available query which can list all the tables from specific database.

For a demo purpose I have created only 2 tables in one database and write a query for quick result and better image

Let's check one by one.

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables

Above query will return the data from information_schema table. It has only tables related info.

look at the result with below screen shot

SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U'

Above query will retrieve result from system object table which have all the information related to database like Primary Key, Stored Procedure, User table etc....

look at the result with below screen shot

SELECT * FROM Sys.Tables

Above query get the result along with object_id which will be very useful for join if you want to get column names etc. This object id will be tied with other table.

look at the result with below screen shot

exec sp_msforeachtable 'print ''?'''

Above query is little bit different than all other options. It will simply prints table name on the screen rather than returning a result in table.

look at the result with below screen shot

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Apr 2, 2011

How to use Rank( ), Dense_Rank( ) and Row_Number( ) function


Understanding Row Number Function

Here we will see the Row_Number(), Rank() and Dense_Rank()
function with details and example

Look at the Figure 1  which has some data and in next
figure 2 we are going to explain about the use of above mentioned function.

Above figure has query and result we can see that there are 14
rows with column jobid, job_disc, minimum value and maximum

Now see figure 2

Using ROW_NUMBER() Function

In figure 2 we can see the result of ROW_NUMBER() function, it just a sequential order starts from 1 to the number of rows returns within a result set.

Using RANK() Function

In figure 2 we can see the result of RANK() function, If result of two or more rows are same then it will give same rank and put a gap of repeated no of rows in next sequential number for next row. As we can see in figure 2 for row number 2,3 and 4 has same rank as 2, and for row number 5 it direct assign rank 5 and eliminate rank 3 and 4 because it's repeated in previous row.

Using DENSE_RANK() Function

In figure 2 we can see the result of DENSE_RANK() function, if result of two or more rows are same then it will assign same rank but for the next rank of next row it will not put any gap and assign continuous number to the next rank of next row. Like above example it will not eliminate rank 3 and 4. It will assign rank 3 for row number 5th.

Enjoy Reading ..........

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Apr 1, 2011

Find All The Database Name in SQL SERVER


Get all the available database in SQL Server, using following command.

Following all the command will list all the database on SQL Server.

--In SQL Server 2008

--This is the Stored Procedure which will retrieve database name and size in kb and remark

Exec sp_databases

This stored procedure will retrieve more column then previous sp and return size in mb rather than kb.
And owner of db, created date, and status of the database like status, updatability, useraccessibility etc.

Exec sp_helpdb

and finally below 2 sps will retrieve detailed information about the database mostly in technical terms.

 Technically terms in the sense dbid,status, file path etc.

Select * From sys.databases

Select * From sys.sysdatabases

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A new way to communicate -- April fool by google 2011

The mouse and keyboard were invented before the Internet even existed. Since then, countless technological advancements have allowed for much more efficient human computer interaction. Why then do we continue to use outdated technology? Introducing Gmail Motion -- now you can control Gmail with your body.

See here  https://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html

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